Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Everyone has to start somewhere!

Isn't that what we all foolishly fear especially when we are faced with our own personal living space? Being afraid to make a mistake when it comes to decorating your home, apartment or wherever you live is a fear that is easily overcomed, with little to no money, especially when you have a clear picture of how you want the space to feel, look and function when you are finished. We all have to begin begin at the beginning and take it one step at a time.

Today I was in a conversation with a man who politely commented "that it is obvious I am a decorator because my home is so beautifully done!" The he proceeded to say "but decorating a home is sooo expensive." What I heard was "that unless you are a decorator a person can't have a nicely put together home using existing furnishings and cherished items." The falsehood here is that it is assumed that everyone needs to go out and purchase new things or magazine perfect items to make a space look and feel beautiful resulting in the way they intended it to look.

My advice to the decorating weary...take ten deep breaths, sit down with a few of your favorite decorating magazines, relax, maybe even have a glass of wine, or your favorite beverage and quietly begin to look through the pages for overall rooms you like. Once you have marked the pages, go back and think about why you chose that particular room. Was it the feel, the color, the location, the daylight streaming in through the windows, the furniture, the fabrics, the architectural elements (doors, fireplaces, etc) or any other reason you may name? There is no right or wrong to your answers but you do need to address your response to the the chosen room.

This is an exhausting process and just the beginning so keep looking and thinking about what decorating looks draw you to them. You will begin to build a confidence in knowing what your preferred decorating style is...well, at least for now.

Happy Decorating!